Friday, 24 February 2012

Catch up x

So, Lent has begun and I have given up is rather weird to be honest, lots of communicating goes on through it, either for school, friends, or just being nosey...I'd like to say I am using this time to pray more and actually I have but not as much as I could.  What I have found, is that I have caught up on the odd admin jobs that I always mean to do on the computer but never get round to because I am FBing instead.....I know the school I am a governor for will really appreciate this as lots of things have been typed up and emailed off.

The other thing I have started is healthier eating.  I constantly seem to be dieting/bingeing/or not bothering, all the time.  This is NOT fun.  I obviously have a problem with food, maybe it is because I was a gymnast for such a long time and although my parents NEVER instilled unhealthy eating habits in me, being a gymnast did.  We did get weighed and we did get told to be careful if we put on or weren't looking a certain way.  I have always struggled with weight issues.....I am not grossly overweight but if you look at my heritage we are not lithe, svelte tall things!!   I don't want my children growing up with mummy constantly on a diet.  I want them to eat the same as me and vice versa.  So....I have cut down/given up carbs...  I have vegetables instead of pasta, I try not to eat bread on a daily basis and am cutting out cakes and chocolate (the latter 2 only really for Lent).  I am hoping this will help me to even out my compulsion to over eat.  I am not preparing lots of different foods for us all, I am basically having the same with less carbs....we'll see!

All in all, getting back to school with the kids has been fine, they all still have a shocking cough and I can't remember the last time I actually slept through as one of them is up coughing at the moment but I know that will pass.  We are heading into March and I noticed when we went to collect William from Beavers last night at 545pm it was still light, and when we did the school run at 3pm it registered 19 deg on my car...that was a little freaky but I did notice so many more smiles on peoples faces....gotta love Spring!

Bye for now

1 comment:

Misty said...

I haven't been praying nearly as much as I was certain giving up TV would lead me to do... :(

yay on the healthy eating though!