Wednesday, 27 August 2008

What is going on??

Not long to post, see below why?????:

1 Tim, Caro, Elliss and Isla arrived on Thurs for Baptism on Sunday. All had a fab time we are god parents, yea
2 Friday take Jim Jam to docs as ear still bothersome got anti biotics as infected!
3 Monday Elliss starts throwing up in afternoon, Moodle in the night, all up pretty much all night!
4 I am not well on tuesday night, but in the meantime took Bubbs to docs in AM and got anti biotics for ear and toe infection. As I was walking home waiting at the lights to cross the road when my pram collapses with girlies in it...will post hilarious picture next time. Luckily, Caro came to collect us and I walked home with stupid thing.
5 Really rough ill feeling today for me, children seem much better but tested my every nerve and all our friends are avoiding us as no one wants to catch this thing.
6 Just as I started to blog, poor Bubbs has just thrown up....who knows how long this will go on...
Anyway, speak soon


Anonymous said...

Oh feel better soon, all of you! I have been wondering about you! Of course, I don't have a good reason for being AWOL myself!

Get some rest!

Living the Dream said...

Oh Vicki, you poor thing, just as we have come back home as well. Keep us posted about the pushchair. Nat is selling hers over here but we can't get it to you can we?
I love you very much. God bless you are in my prayers.

Maynard Tait said...

Guys, we're really feeling for you. We just hope you managed to have some good times with your friends.
God Bless - hope to see you ALL soon.


Steph said...

Oh, I hope you all feel better soon!

Melissa said...

Oh poor things. I hope that they start to feel better soon!

Grace Acres said...

I don't want to sound stupid but what is a pram? I hope things start getting a little less chaotic for you. Good luck.

Anne Elizabeth said...

(((Hugs))) Pink has been really sick this week too. I'm praying Buddy doesn't catch it.

Rachel's Journal Pages said...

Oh my goodness! Sick kids is the pits! I spend last week throuh the vomit/gastro world too and loathe it. Usually it doesn't bother me overly becuase I am usually fit and well. But this time around (the tummy bugs have been flying around Aust this season like you wouldn't belive!) I got sick too, and trying to keep other children happy and keeping vomit confined to one spot when you feel horrid is unpleasant to say the least!. Hope that your week improves from here on :)