Thursday, 11 September 2008


September 11th is a date that people are always going to remember. A catastrophic event that no one could or more likely can understand, when it happened I am sure I am not alone in saying I can pinpoint exactly where I was and what I was doing! Fast forward to 2006 and again, September 11th, I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing. The girls were born 2 mins apart and became part of our lives! Twin girls on the day of rememberance for the twin towers tragedy. For our family this is now a happy day but one which will always remind us of what happened then.

I love you girlies and HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY!



Susie PSU said...

What a great way to remember the day! Twin girls for twin towers- a much happier occasion, that's for sure. Happy Birthday, girls!

Anne Elizabeth said...

That is such a wonderful way to remember the day! Happy birthday girls:)

Joy said...

Awwwwwwwww! How cute are their newborn pics?! Of course they're darling now, too! But I don't think I've seen pics of them so young!!!

My niece was born Sept. 11th 2005 (Jewel's daughter, Emily).

Living the Dream said...

Oh my babies, they just get cuter every day! I love you guys.

Rachel's Journal Pages said...

Yay - they've turned 2. My youngest turned to a couple of months ago and I thought that went fast... i can only imagine how fast the last 2 years must have been for you with double the kids to look after :)

Ris said...

they were precious babies! My son is only a month and a half older than they are. Love these pics, thanks got sharing

Anonymous said...

Awww....happy belated birthday, Girls! My Emily was born on September 11th as well. I was going to do a post, but blogger won't let me upload my pics. I may keep working on it and "backdate" the post.

Unknown said...

Wow! I thought there were no other most perfect newborns in the world aside from my own twins...but your?? OMG, they are so beautiful and perfect in that first picture...we have almost the exact same pic and the resemblance is scary!