Thursday, 15 January 2009

In Laws are visiting

Oh my goodness, my in laws are coming to visit. We are soooo excited and it isn't that long away. They called the other night to say they had found some flights and then the next day confirmed the dates....they are coming in March. Big Bill gets to meet his grand daughters for the first time, he was last here when I was pregnant with them and Cyndy met them when they were 3 months old so they are in for such excitement and fun. The children are really excited and keep asking when Papaw and Grandma are coming and we are starting to plan what we can do.



Anne Elizabeth said...

How exciting!

apple tree quilter said...

Vicki, when are the leaving? I'd like to send some fabric to them to bring to your Mom. Could you check to see if I could do it? It would only be a couple of yards. Do let me know. Thanks, Sharlene

Ris said...

That is awesome! It must be hard seeing them so infrequently. Really exciting!

Anonymous said...

Yay! So what ARE you going to do with them when they are there?

Maynard Tait said...

EXCELLENT NEWS! So, how bouts the guys go down the rifle range and bag a few chickens, while the gals stay home and cook up some pumpkin pie and chilli dogs!
Or is that not English enough?!

apple tree quilter said...

Wanted to send you some pictures of Hannah's climbing last Saturday, but the email address if have for you does not work. Please forward your email address to Thanks. Sharlene

Unknown said...

It so inspiring and heartwarming that you are so excited for the in-laws visit, lol. Very rare! Sounds like it will be a blast though...and something great to look forward to.

Susie PSU said...

Where are they coming from??

stacey said...

That is exciting!!!!

Glad to see you & your sweet family are doing well:)

stacey said...

ps~ HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY!!!!

I hope you had a wonderful day:)

Elizabeth Byler Younts said... have got to be soooo excited!

i just found out my parents are coming next month also...i am thrilled!