Sunday 17 May 2009

Race for Life

I did it, I ran my 5k Race for Life. This is a real achievement for me as I had not managed to train (apart from going to Curves) since signing up and I swore to myself last year that I would run it this year.

Anyway, thanks for anyone who has sponsored me and just so you know I didn't push the twins....I only just made it round by myself can't imagine doing it with them too.

The girls are doing well with their potty training, we are having accidents but not loads and we have ventured out without nappies. I did it so differently with Bubbs, it took me ages and I remember having nappies hanging around for ages. This time they have all been put upstairs in their bedroom for night time and I just have a big bag of pants downstairs for them to put on if they have an accident. Funny thing is, they love to wear Bubbs pants, no cute pink panties for them just Bob the Builder ones, bless them.

We spent a lovely afternoon today with our friends at their daughters birthday bbq. They are really good hosts and it was such good afternoon. Thanks guys.

This week starts over again. I am doing ok without my meds. I am not sure quite when they completely leave my system, I am still getting weird side effects that affect my sight. It is hard to explain, when I turn my head quickly I feel as though my brain is being left behind for a split second. It used to happen if ever I missed 2 or more pills so I can only imagine it is while the medication is leaving my system. I am finding my temper is extremely short with my children but I think that really is just normal at the stage we are all at. One of my biggest problems that I find really hard to cope with is my negative self image and how much I put upon myself, which when I don't get everything done I feel hideous in my own skin. Extreme I know but that is how I feel. The list I have in my head of stuff I want to get done, either for myself ie: lose weight, exercise more, pray more consistently, have complete faith in God for my life (that is a real hard one) etc etc. Or for my home ie: decorate the bedroom, which would lead to setting up our office, which leads to organising my Phoenix stuff and home accounts, which leads to the kitchen being tidier as most of the paperwork is in there, which leads to being able to reorganise under the stairs, and the list goes on. Can you see how messed up my head is now. Realistically, how am I going to get even half that done with 3 children around, especially as Moodle is going to nursery this week again till the bandage comes off on Friday.

Wow, what a great feeling it is to put all this on paper well screen at least. I do wonder fellow bloggers what it will be like to come back in 10 years time and read our posts. So many of you that I follow are so open and expressive in your blogs and I just love reading you all


Sadia said...

Congratulations on the run!

I have a similar problem with overwhelming myself with self-criticism. One thing I keep reminding myself is that I am a role model for my children, and if I want them to learn to forgive themselves and set realistic goals, I should do the same.

Living the Dream said...

I have always had low self-esteem and I think in the majority of cases it is quite normal. All I can see is that you are a beautiful person, a wonderful mother and a very good friend to all your wonderful friends so please don't stress out about it. Well done on your run. Give those children a hug from Nannie will you. I love you.

Maynard Tait said...

Well done; Congratulations; Fantastic; Good for you!
I was with you in spirit yesterday. A great achievement!
Tell Bill thanks again for Saturday.
