Monday, 4 February 2008

Another day!

I woke this morning to Bubbaloo whispering to me "mummy it's morning time!" I would hasten to add it was 5.45am! I find anything before 6am just wrong and should be illegal... Anyway, in he comes for a cuddle with very cold feet and stinky morning breath but you can't help just loving him anyway.

As I was getting up I kept thinking of things I would write tonight and now I have sat down can't think of anything. My day really does consist of looking after the children first and foremost which can be exhausting and fun but rather monotonous at times. Today was not bad because I did have some girls round for coffee while Bubbs was at nursery, my friend from 2 doors down who is awaiting the arrival of their first baby, due 6th Feb and my old next door neighbour who brought her 6 week old son with her. The girlies thought he was great fun and kept running up to him and laughing. Very sweet for me but probably mighty unnerving for mummy! This little get together will hopefully carry on in the future but we are hoping that imminently expecting one won't be with us next time because she will be too busy with a new baby!!

The girlies were lovely today, not often I actually say that as my mum will tell you. But, considering Jim Jam is on antibiotics for an ear infection and both of them have disgusting noses they were delightful. They have just started really giving each other cuddles and it is the most gorgeous thing to see. They do seem to have a cold all of the time and one of my new years resolutions was to go and visit my grandparents once a month with all the children, well so far January has been and gone and I have just postponed this week as well because of the kids colds!! Let's keep our fingers crossed for next week.

Last but not least and this is going to be a thing featured on this page alot is my WW struggle. (Weight Watchers) I went back today for the first time after christmas and had to start paying again which is rather disheartening but does give me extra incentive for losing next week!!

One funny but strange thing did happen today, I left my pram outside the front door only to come back later to find it in the middle of the road. Obviously I had taken the children out but it did look rather funny, lucky we live on a dead end road!

1 comment:

Living the Dream said...

hello poppet, what a good job the girlies weren't in the pram. Sorry they have runny noses again. Give our love to Jenny when you see her and I hope all goes well with the baby. Your blog is looking good, though we have a job to read the yellow titles. OAP's problem I expect. Love you lots, look forward to the next one. Love Moomin