Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Mouth Ulcers and lots of screaming!

Oh my poor girlies! Both of them have the most humongous (don't you just love that word) mouth ulcers all over their tongues (canker sores for the US readers). The poor things are in agony, not eating or drinking much, not really sleeping and are generally not happy bunnies at all. This is all going on while we have a house full of people as T & C and family are here till Thursday and for anyone who has actually seen our house you can imagine how amusing that is..... Apparently mouth ulcers are contagious which I didn't know at all and that is why they both have them.

Poor little things they are really really sad


Ris said...

Poor babies! I had no idea they were contagious either! Awwww... I am so sorry Mama!

On another note...your comment about it taking longer than 5 mins to find our princes made me laugh so hard! I won't spoil it for her and tell her it'll prob be another 20 years or so. lol

Anne Elizabeth said...

I used to get those all the time when I was younger. They are awful and I feel for your babies. I hope they heal quickly!

Melissa said...

oh poor things!

Living the Dream said...

Oh my poor babies, tell them Nannie will be home at the weekend to give them a cuddle :-)
Love you guys.

Vixbil said...

Thanks for all your lovely comments, they have actually woken up a bit happier this morning and at least are eating again, poor Jim Jam looks rather waif like from her ulcer diet.....hopefully they are on the mend