Monday, 2 June 2008

Weight Watchers!

Or not as in my case. I went back today with a good friend of mine who is just starting and I have put on 7 pounds over goal.....That may not sound much but when you have finally reached goal it is just as depressing as having umpteen amount of stones to loose. Anyway, I am back and on it again so will keep you up to date as it gives me a bit more incentive if I know people are going to be reading about it aswell.

On the fitness front I am doing a 5k sponsored walk on Sunday for Cancer Research, hopefully it won't rain but even if it does at least it is for charity. The hubby and the children will be at the finish line which will be sweet.

Talking of sweet the girlies are really learning to talk now. They say so many things and Moodle is really doing brilliantly.. They think Apple is the best word ever at the moment and any fruit apart from a banana is an apple. I do have a problem with them saying bath though as at the moment it comes out barf!! The don't seem to have cottoned on to each others names though and call each other Sissy, they do recognise their names when we call them though.

My moomin and dad are back for a couple of days before going to my nana and grampies and Bubbs came down this morning to find them asleep in the living room and he just loves it when that happens they pretend to be asleep and he leaps on them. It is great and the girlies are getting excited now too which I just adore watching.

Off to catch up on my blog reading now as I still have so many to catch up, sorry for not many comments


Anne Elizabeth said...

That is awesome that you are doing the walk for cancer research. My mom had ovarian (and a whole lotta other ones) cancer, so the research is something that is close to my heart!

Good luck on the weight loss!

David said...

For many reasons I am happy when someone does a walk for cancer. 5k's are my favorite distance, and Janet battled Leukemia for the past 4 years. Good luck on your goals!

Ris said...

oh boo! Is WW easy to follow? My mom uses it too. Darn about gaining! Maybe some is just water weight. :-(

Too cute! The Sissy thing is adorable! How many months old ate they now? I bet twins are so much fun. (double the fun, trouble, everything!)

Unknown said...

I adore Weight Watchers. After the girls were born, I lost all of my baby weight on the Points. I would love to start again and get back down...two years not on any sort of diet has made me a little squishy!

Wow, your girls totally remind me of my own. The whole banana/apple thing and "sissy"...they still call each other that at almost three.

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

That is so sweet about the girls talking. And good for you about the 5K!

Joy said...

Trying to lose weight stinks. Glad to hear you're raising money for cancer research. My mom died of breast cancer.