Girlies are still sick, Moodle now has pink eye to add to it all, Jim Jam was feeling better today but still slept for 2 hours this morning so she is obviously still suffering. Not being able to go out has been hard but I have as always been blessed with great friends. Jennie looked after Bubbs most days after school last week so I didn't have to come out with the girls and a new friend from church came and spent a couple of afternoons with me. So even though it was a poor week for health a great one was had for friends. I am always so thankful for them.
On Saturday Bubbs and I went out for the day by ourselves leaving Daddy with the girls. I had forgotten just how gorgeous he is by himself. We went to visit my sister and BiL as they are moving in the next couple of months so though I would make the most of being able to go up so easily. It was lovely, Bubbs and I chatted in the car on the way and he had a nice time with them. He loves going there and I am hoping he can get another sleep over with them before they move as I think he might miss those. We also stopped in on my grandparents. They are 88 and 90 but you wouldn't know it. Bubbs took he school certificates and reading book in his school bag for them to see and was so proud showing them off and telling them what they were for, he soon lost interest when it came to his reading book and suddenly was desperate for Lego! Grandma Nee Naa was quite happy to do that though and they had great fun building a house and a couple of cars while Grampie and I chatted while watching for squirrels in the garden.
Sunday was church which was a family service and our friend Mark (Moodles Godfather) did the sermon, I think it was his first one and I have to say he was brilliant and all very relevant so I am really looking forward to the next one. There was a continental breakfast after which is so lovely as you can catch up with people you don't always see and the team in the kitchen do such a fantastic job we as a church are incredibly lucky especially in the current financial situation.
We had some friends round for afternoon tea, I have become friends with the wife and Hubby got to meet her husband so nice for everyone as they are new to our church so great to know that they can come in and recognise some more faces.
I'm off to bed now as I am soooo tired looking after this kids!!
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