Tuesday 12 January 2010

As I was saying yesterday!! **UPDATE**

Well, nursery is closed today due to the heating not working so I didn't get my morning off in which I was going to do all the stuff I didn't get done yesterday, but........we did do this
Swings in the snow
Oops and a bit of falling over!
Mabel loved this and we met her friend too so the dogs had a blast.

I even managed to do Day 5, with the girls watching but they were fab and even gave me some encouragement woo hoo.

WW weigh in tonight so we will see how that goes - Lost 2lbs woo hoo
BUT Moodle threw up in the snow in the playground....my school run is cursed. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow now at all


Living the Dream said...

Hello darling,

What fantastic photos of today in the park. I have spoken to you but it's good to see piccies. Also I am very proud of you, the blogs this year are very positive and I am going to have to take a leaf out of your book. Dad and I have been for a very long walk this morning, so hopefully that will be the start for me.

I love you all very much. Take care and God bless.

Vixbil said...

Thanks moomin love you too

Anne Elizabeth said...

We have wanted to go sledding so bad but all the stores have been sold out of sleds! I hope you had a blessed day. Glad you were able to do day 5 even with the kiddos at home.

apple tree quilter said...

What fun sledding can be! Robbin and Korey always loved it, no matter how cold or wet they got. Great pictures. Good thing you take the camera with you! Good luck with the WW weigh-in. I'm like your Mom, I need to take a leaf from your book and get with the program!

Unknown said...

Oh, I wish we had a little bit of snow like that. How gorgeous! (and fun)

Way to go on the 2 lbs!! Are you still rocking the Shred? I'm on day 5 in a row and rocking it. I find just really pushing through it is becoming easier now that I have my breathing in order and such. I'm so excited for my Monday weigh-in.

Keep going! I'm behind ya cheering!