Friday, 16 September 2011


Dinner is in the oven and I have half an hour to blog!  Kids are having a flop in front of the TV as they are all shattered.  Man, going back to school and starting school is wiping us all out. 

We've all had tears this week, but only once each.  Millie, going into school, William in the playground at lunch when he saw me picking up the girls and Jaime, randomly when I picked her up on weds?  ~Overall though everything is going well.  Girls go full time on Monday and I am anticipating alot of tiredness and quite few tears!!

I've managed to get loads of work done this week, lots of orders from France are now winging their way way to Cornwall for mum and dad to take back with them.  I've organised an Open House here to launch Christmas and get the ball rolling.  We are saving to go to DisneyLand Summer 2012 so I need to make some serious cash!  If anyone out there is reading this and they want to join my team, drop me a line!

I'm finding the transition weird.  I somehow expected it to be all plain sailing and didn't anticipate wobbles from Jaime but they've happened and now I'm not sure what I am supposed to be doing.  This week has been odd as they have only been there till 1pm, so not enough time to get stuck into too much but I have managed to do most of my desk and am getting there, so check one off my list!

This weekend is Rain, Rain, Rain.  But, to be honest considering how busy last weekend was it will be lovely to not do much at all!!  Movies, popcorn and lots of cuddles for all of us!  Oh and of course, Homework!!!  Man, William seems to be getting loads.  I'm sure it's really not that bad but when you are fighting the tiredness too it is HARD!

Till the next time


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm also finding the transition quite hard. I don't know if it's just me or them or what, but shattered and wobbles are good word to describe.

Even Callie and Lily appear to be exhausted. They both have a little dark under their eyes and their summer tans seem to have faded way too fast. I guarantee you both of them are holding off on a cold until their party tomorrow is over. It's quite a lot for us, moms AND kids.

Hang in there! I'm sure the transition will start smoothing out and of course you know what you're doing — just listen to your gut feeling.

And I'm so envious of your quiet weekend full of movies and cuddles xoxo