Ok, so I am back to real life and already I am being that horrible mother that I swore I would never be. I have had a completely child free weekend but still I am short tempered with all my children and feel stressed like you wouldn't believe. I just feel so helpless with my emotions that I hate it.
My mum and dad came home here today, the children were sooo excited to see them and I have to say so was I. I love it when they are here even if it does mean we are all sleeping in a weird way (Bubbs sleeps on the floor in our room). Mabel loves it too as Dad loves here and often sits on the floor with her during the day....bless.
Don't know what else to say as I am so disappointed with myself about where I am in my head....
Monday, 24 November 2008
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Back to Real Life!
I'm home and I was greeted by my children running and screaming 'mummy, my mummy', the dog was going crazy and poor Hubby was just trying to keep them all in check.
I had a fantastic weekend, I got all my Christmas shopping done in a totally child free way which I know all you mums out there will be so appreciative of how amazing that is. Stayed up quite late on Friday night just hanging out and didn't actually sleep that well but then again didn't have to get up in the morning for anything pressing. Amazing sis brought me tea and a croissant (with jam) in BED.....I know spoilt..... We left the house at 930am and finally returned at 850pm having done it all. I was so relieved as I was dreading trying to get shopping done with all the children.
Last night I slept like a log and today I didn't get up till 10am!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough said
I had a fantastic weekend, I got all my Christmas shopping done in a totally child free way which I know all you mums out there will be so appreciative of how amazing that is. Stayed up quite late on Friday night just hanging out and didn't actually sleep that well but then again didn't have to get up in the morning for anything pressing. Amazing sis brought me tea and a croissant (with jam) in BED.....I know spoilt..... We left the house at 930am and finally returned at 850pm having done it all. I was so relieved as I was dreading trying to get shopping done with all the children.
Last night I slept like a log and today I didn't get up till 10am!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough said
Friday, 21 November 2008
Childfree zone!
Well, I am here! My sis has set my bedroom like a hotel room with chocs on my pillow and lovely posh samples of toiletries and a magazine. How spoilt am I!!
Will post once home
Will post once home
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Ode to my pram!
The Pram
Isn't it GORGEOUS! I love it and it is SOOOOOOOOO easy to push. The town we live in is really hilly and I have an enormous hill to walk up when I come home from school and some days I walk it 3 times in a day. I am actually really excited about it and can't believe my life has got to the point that a pram is the be all and end all of my world but hey ho.

Hubby having a fab time in Wales, it rained today for him but he really didn't seem to care and I had a brilliant day. I spent it with a friend from down the road who has a daughter the same age as the girlies and they were all brilliant. Another friend took Bubbs and Mabel for the afternoon to go for a walk in the woods with her son, hubby and dog. She also gave him tea too, so I actually felt like I had a day off!!
Hope you are all having a great weekend too
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Pram update
Oh my goodness, I missed the delivery of the pram today. I went to collect Bubbs from school leaving at 14.50 and the delivery note said it was delivered at 14.50!!!! I must have passed them on the way out...Can you tell how annoyed I am??
On other notes, the girlies have not been well again, they still have hacking coughs and for the last 2 days have just wanted hugs and snuggles and lots of meds as they also have a temperature. This would be easier to do if there weren't two of them but also if I didn't have a stomach bug and kept having to disappear. The bug did mean I actually lost weight at WW this week though.
Hubby is away this weekend, leaving on Friday morning at 3.45am. He is off to Wales cycling which will be great as long as it doesn't rain too much for him. I am glad he is going but not looking forward to doing the kids all on my own for 3 days. I get my own back the next weekend as I am going to visit my sis for Fri and Sat night with NO children. YIPPEE.....
Off to read blogs now
On other notes, the girlies have not been well again, they still have hacking coughs and for the last 2 days have just wanted hugs and snuggles and lots of meds as they also have a temperature. This would be easier to do if there weren't two of them but also if I didn't have a stomach bug and kept having to disappear. The bug did mean I actually lost weight at WW this week though.
Hubby is away this weekend, leaving on Friday morning at 3.45am. He is off to Wales cycling which will be great as long as it doesn't rain too much for him. I am glad he is going but not looking forward to doing the kids all on my own for 3 days. I get my own back the next weekend as I am going to visit my sis for Fri and Sat night with NO children. YIPPEE.....
Off to read blogs now
Friday, 7 November 2008
That Friday Feeling!
So much to say and so little time. (I'll warn you now this post turned into a bit of a moan, I apologise now)
Firstly on the pram front.........I have had no luck at all with them. We ordered several new parts for the broken one, finally got it going again for a different part to break. We really couldn't afford to pay out anymore on it so decided to carry on using the one my Auntie had found me. This was ok but it is a side by side one which is incredibly hard to push and the girlies fight with each other constantly. Anyway, as I was coming home last week with the pram full of groceries the darn thing broke!!!!!! I can use it but it is really dodgy so we bit the bullet and ordered a new one with good resale value. Oh my goodness how much bad luck could I have with this. It arrived 2 days later and I started putting it together only to find it was broken. I took it straight back to the store as we really needed it for this weekend, the store were great and ordered me another one and they were going to try to get it express delivered to make up for the inconvenience. HA, they called the next day to tell me there was some sort of computer pricing problem and it wasn't now going to arrive till Monday or Tuesday. I was so annoyed I wrote to Head Office last night and I have now had a reply from them telling me that they are sorry for this but the pram is now out of stock so I won't be receiving it till the END of the week. ARE WE KIDDING DO I HAVE MUG WRITTEN ON MY FOREHEAD.
Moodle is also giving me problems at the moment. As you know she doesn't sleep well at all and I am really struggling with the whole liking her thing at the moment. I find this so difficult to deal with as Jim Jam is so adoring and lovely and so is Moodle but I am just SO tired I can't explain. Basically, I have cried pretty much all this week and have struggled with motherhood in general. This also means everything else has gone down the pan, WW doesn't get a look in as I comfort eat my way through chocolate most nights.. Thank goodness I don't drink or smoke I would be flat on my back I think. Anyone else out there ever feel like this, will my post natal depression last forever they'll be getting a job before I'm off the meds!! On a good note though, I did spend a great evening catching up with one of my great Christian friends who was so supportive, we had a meal in the evening at hers which meant that there were no kids interrupting us so we finished all the conversations we started how novel is that.
Hubby has been great this week, he seems to have really picked up on how much I am struggling, probably not hard as my eyes are so puffy and red rimmed recently, and just been really great with the kids especially in the night time. Moodle seems not to go on for quite so long when he goes down to her. I am sure that this will end once she gets used to him going but for now it is making it a little bit easier. I love him.
We are off to Norfolk this weekend to see some friends. Hubby and I are really looking forward to this as sometimes a change is as good as rest. Or so the saying goes anyway!
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Mum, Dad, Nan and Gramps have a great couple of weeks in France. Love you
Firstly on the pram front.........I have had no luck at all with them. We ordered several new parts for the broken one, finally got it going again for a different part to break. We really couldn't afford to pay out anymore on it so decided to carry on using the one my Auntie had found me. This was ok but it is a side by side one which is incredibly hard to push and the girlies fight with each other constantly. Anyway, as I was coming home last week with the pram full of groceries the darn thing broke!!!!!! I can use it but it is really dodgy so we bit the bullet and ordered a new one with good resale value. Oh my goodness how much bad luck could I have with this. It arrived 2 days later and I started putting it together only to find it was broken. I took it straight back to the store as we really needed it for this weekend, the store were great and ordered me another one and they were going to try to get it express delivered to make up for the inconvenience. HA, they called the next day to tell me there was some sort of computer pricing problem and it wasn't now going to arrive till Monday or Tuesday. I was so annoyed I wrote to Head Office last night and I have now had a reply from them telling me that they are sorry for this but the pram is now out of stock so I won't be receiving it till the END of the week. ARE WE KIDDING DO I HAVE MUG WRITTEN ON MY FOREHEAD.
Moodle is also giving me problems at the moment. As you know she doesn't sleep well at all and I am really struggling with the whole liking her thing at the moment. I find this so difficult to deal with as Jim Jam is so adoring and lovely and so is Moodle but I am just SO tired I can't explain. Basically, I have cried pretty much all this week and have struggled with motherhood in general. This also means everything else has gone down the pan, WW doesn't get a look in as I comfort eat my way through chocolate most nights.. Thank goodness I don't drink or smoke I would be flat on my back I think. Anyone else out there ever feel like this, will my post natal depression last forever they'll be getting a job before I'm off the meds!! On a good note though, I did spend a great evening catching up with one of my great Christian friends who was so supportive, we had a meal in the evening at hers which meant that there were no kids interrupting us so we finished all the conversations we started how novel is that.
Hubby has been great this week, he seems to have really picked up on how much I am struggling, probably not hard as my eyes are so puffy and red rimmed recently, and just been really great with the kids especially in the night time. Moodle seems not to go on for quite so long when he goes down to her. I am sure that this will end once she gets used to him going but for now it is making it a little bit easier. I love him.
We are off to Norfolk this weekend to see some friends. Hubby and I are really looking forward to this as sometimes a change is as good as rest. Or so the saying goes anyway!
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Mum, Dad, Nan and Gramps have a great couple of weeks in France. Love you
Monday, 3 November 2008
Another week or two has gone by!!
Oh my goodness I had no idea I hadn't blogged for so long. I have been reading and not keeping track of my own blog.
Last week was half term here so I had all the children at home for the week which I was originally dreading, as the weather was supposed to be raining hard all week which does limit us on what we can do. On the Friday before I get a phone call from M&D telling me they were coming home for a week or so as they had a funeral to attend. So although, it was SO wonderful to see them it was under a dark cloud. We didn't tell the children they were coming and so they woke up on Sat morning to Nannie and Bampie in the house.....can you imagine the excitement.
Hubby spent Sat at Wembley stadium at the tail gate party and then watching the Big Game, New Orleans Saints and the San Diego Chargers....for those who don't know they are American football teams. He was probably as excited as the kids were.
The rest of half term went by smoothly with Nannie and Bampie and on Friday we went with our friends to an Aquarium in Brighton. The weather was sooo lovely that we were able to have fish and chips on the sea front on Halloween. All the children loved the fish and turtles and J and I had an awesome day. Definitely a good end to the holidays for all of us.
The weekend for Hubby and I was really special. Our anniversary was on Sunday (12 years) and as a treat we went to a matinee of Sound of Music in the West End then had a lovely meal SOS a great restaurant. This was such a treat and so wonderful, we left the house at 12 and didn't get back till the evening. We spent time together, we didn't talk about the children that much and just really had a great time enjoying ourselves. This is such a treat and I have to thank my mum, sis and friend V for looking after our children and enabling us to do this. Bubbs went to Vs and had toasted marshmallows and a sleepover which he really enjoyed and the girlies had a lovely time with mum and sis. On Sunday we had V and her family over for lunch and the afternoon as a thank you and the weather was kind again so we all went out for a walk with Mabel afterwards.
Wow what a catch up. I also had my second Moore College lesson and it is sooo fantastic.
Last week was half term here so I had all the children at home for the week which I was originally dreading, as the weather was supposed to be raining hard all week which does limit us on what we can do. On the Friday before I get a phone call from M&D telling me they were coming home for a week or so as they had a funeral to attend. So although, it was SO wonderful to see them it was under a dark cloud. We didn't tell the children they were coming and so they woke up on Sat morning to Nannie and Bampie in the house.....can you imagine the excitement.
Hubby spent Sat at Wembley stadium at the tail gate party and then watching the Big Game, New Orleans Saints and the San Diego Chargers....for those who don't know they are American football teams. He was probably as excited as the kids were.
The rest of half term went by smoothly with Nannie and Bampie and on Friday we went with our friends to an Aquarium in Brighton. The weather was sooo lovely that we were able to have fish and chips on the sea front on Halloween. All the children loved the fish and turtles and J and I had an awesome day. Definitely a good end to the holidays for all of us.
The weekend for Hubby and I was really special. Our anniversary was on Sunday (12 years) and as a treat we went to a matinee of Sound of Music in the West End then had a lovely meal SOS a great restaurant. This was such a treat and so wonderful, we left the house at 12 and didn't get back till the evening. We spent time together, we didn't talk about the children that much and just really had a great time enjoying ourselves. This is such a treat and I have to thank my mum, sis and friend V for looking after our children and enabling us to do this. Bubbs went to Vs and had toasted marshmallows and a sleepover which he really enjoyed and the girlies had a lovely time with mum and sis. On Sunday we had V and her family over for lunch and the afternoon as a thank you and the weather was kind again so we all went out for a walk with Mabel afterwards.
Wow what a catch up. I also had my second Moore College lesson and it is sooo fantastic.
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